When conducting due diligence, verifying a fund manager’s registration with its primary regulator is not enough. Most fund managers have never had any contact with their regulator after they submitted their registration documents. Investors can not depend on regulators to perform their due diligence for them. There are literally hundreds of important aspects of a fund manager’s business that a registration document fails to address. Silver Mountain’s advanced methodology covers these gaps for our clients. Even though there are so many additional steps, we always start with the basics. Depending on the domicile of a fund and the location of its manager, a different combination of links will be appropriate for any particular engagement. Below are a few key sources of information that are at the heart of our due diligence process:
Securities & Exchange Commission – Investment Adviser Search
United Kingdom Financial Services Authority – FSA Register
Cayman Islands Monetary Authority – List of Regulated Entities
Bermuda Monetary Authority – Authorized Investment Funds
British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission - Professional Funds
Monetary Authority of Singapore – Directory of Fund Managers
To learn more about our institutional due diligence, please contact us at (646) 580-4771 or email us.